We did so many fun things this summer but last weekend was definitely the cherry on the sundae. Claremarie always makes her summer dream list and this year we did everything on it. I told Sam that I was going to make a list of what I wanted to do this summer but the only think I could think of was tanking. What's tanking you ask? It is basically like tubing except you float down a river in a horse tank. It is not a traditional metal horse tank but rather a fiberglass blue tank. You can bring coolers and some people even bring grills. The tanks don't tip over like a canoe so you don't actually have to get wet unless you choose to do so. We floated down the Calamus River near Burwell, NE. There was a group of 16 and it was a blast. We had 4 tanks and 4 tubes. Claremarie and Camden loved it but Sam and I are afraid we created little monsters as they really liked the tubes better than the tanks and now tubing is all they can talk about. My cousin Ted, who is in a wheelchair, even got to go with us. I don't think there was a better way for us to finish out our summer adventures than floating down the river with some of our favorite people, through the sandhills, surrounded by the quiet and the beauty of that part of NE, while drinking peach nectar and eating delicious homemade donuts and cookies (Thanks Joye), cheese and crackers and brownies (Thanks Jane!) and plenty of diet coke!
It was just so much fun. I will put a couple of pictures on the blog. If you want to see the entire adventure please go to my Picasa album. Thanks Ted and Joye for getting everything arranged. This will probably need to be an annual event!!!