Saturday, October 3, 2009


So tonight I was walking around the neighborhood and saw this little boy that had climbed up into a tree. Evidently it was the first time he had ever done that as his dad was very excited and was calling for the mom to come out and look. Trying to be friendly to strangers, which is not natural for me, I said, "You better grab the camera." Well as most times when I try to be funny, it just doesn't translate. The dad said, "My son is up in the tree." At the time I thought to myself, "Well of course he is. That's why I said to go and get the camera." That seemed to be a weird response to someone who was just trying to share in his son's tree triumph. The more I thought about it, as I finished my walk, I realized that he thought that I meant he was staring at me and that he should take a picture. It lasts longer!! Do you really think that's what he thought? That would mean that he thinks I think that I'm all that and a bag of chips. How embarrassing!!! The moral of the story.....Don't talk to strangers.


Unknown said...

i really think he just meant that he didn't want to leave his son alone to get the camera in case his son fell out of the tree...don't you? but your version makes me laugh harder!

Nicole Crawford said...

sherilyn, you crack me up! thank you.

Angela (Divapalooza) said...

Cute Story. I can't stop smiling. I can totally put myself in your shoes. LOL :]