Friday, February 4, 2011


Yes Debbie...I really took that picture of the hawk.  It was sitting right on my driveway.  Unfortunately it flew away right as I got closer.  The picture of him up in the air with that carcass would have been really cool but I didn't get it.

Now I think I'm being haunted by rabbits.  The night after the day I took that picture, we came home really late and there was a rabbit sitting on our front step.  Right by the door.  Just sitting there....waiting for me....and people think they are all nice and cuddly.


Rhonda said...
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Sam said...

what happened? Did rabbit try to leave a comment?

Debbie said...

Well, Sherilyn, that picture is pretty awesome!

Ha, Ha, Sam, I wondered the same thing. Those rabbits sound like they could be pretty mean spirited! :)