1. What was your favorite field trip when you were a kid?
2. If you have ever chaperoned a field trip, what was your favorite?
3. What special treats do you put in your child's lunch for field trip day?
4. What special treats did you get in your field trip lunch when you were a kid?
5. Don't you think adults should get field trips?!!

1. I remember two field trips...one was to the fish hatchery and the other one was roller skating. Actually they might have both been in the same day.
2. Favorite is hard....but the last one I went on was to Morrill Hall, with the Kindergartners.
3. Usually pop and a candy bar.
4. Usually pop and a candy bar.
5. Definitely!!!
1. The "fourth grade" NE history trip. We went to Ash Hollow and Ogallala.
2. N/a
3. n/a
4. Candy bars and pop. One time the bus driver had to open my pop b/c the pop tab broke.
5. YES! That would be so GREAT!
1.My class never got to take field trips as we had a reputation for being "bad". We went to Kansas City for senior sneak and that was a blast.
2.Stuhr Museum where the kids got to listen to stories for real diaries of people from the Oregon and Mormon Trail while walking the actual trails pulling a handcart. Then they got to make our lunch over an open fire.
3.I usually take individually wrapped licorice for the kids.
4. N/A as I never went on a field trip. We did get to go to a canyon a couple of miles from home on the last day of school and have a picnic. I always got a new short set for the last day of school/ track meet.
5. Oh yes. A couple of years ago, my family took a field trip to the quilt museum in Lincoln. Took Mom and all of us met there. Very fun. Need to do that more. I think we are planning one to downtown Kearney soon, including the yarn store, MONA, Solid Rock, Creative Teacher, and Trips.
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