The kids sold water, pop, and candy over the last two days at our garage sale with all proceeds going to the walk. Camden was so cute. Anytime someone would come up the driveway he would say,
"Excuse me ma'am. Could I offer you a cool drink? All the money goes to fight cancer."
It almost wasn't fair to have him ask as he was pretty hard to resist but then again cancer isn't fair! They raised $32.00 that they get to turn in tonight and more than that they learned the power of helping others. Not once did they ask if they could keep the money....I love that!
Also love how it worked out that the day my family and I are participating in the Relay for Life just happens to be my uncle's birthday....the whole inspiration for our participation! Coincidence.....I think not!

Awww, that is great the kids raised money!!!! It's a bit of a tough day today. We will be thinking of you tonight.
Sherilyn, you are teaching your kids such good values!! You should have a dozen kids!! I am so sorry their lives were touched by that awful disease at such a young age but you and Sam have done such a great job of making sure they know their family. Some kids don't know their extended family the way the Taylor and Holmes families do. God bless all of you.
So great the kiddos can learn something positive from something so wicked!! Thanks again for having a team! It really meant a lot to my Dad (and all of us)!!
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