Friday, July 8, 2011


So I have a few new people checking this blog out and I thought it might be time to redefine this much for myself as for new friends. 

This is the place:
  • where you will read stories about my kids and my husband and my extended family,
  • where you will read stories about my experiences as a half stay-at-home mom and a half working mom,
  • where you will read stories about funny things that happen to me, about my pet peeves, and about my political leanings.
Hopefully my faith will be woven between the lines of these stories. 

Simply stated, this is where you will read about LIFE and how it plays out with the things I love and am passionate about (after all it is my blog)! 

This blog also makes my parents feel like the thousands and thousands of dollars they spent on me getting a writing minor in college was worth there is that as well!

This is also the place where every Friday I get to ask you 5 questions and you get to answer the questions with a comment.  Did I mention that I love to get comments? 

But even if nobody ever commented, I would still write as this is now a fun little hobby and a lot cheaper than therapy!! 

So thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for 5 question Friday......




Sam said...

Your popular post are hee-larious! 10 things I learned about p, the disneyworld vs. adventureland and good riddance are my personal favorites. Very, very funny!

Nicole Crawford said...

Love the new "Park Place" pic - at least I hope it's new since I usually read posts in my RSS reader. Do you have that app yet?